
Young Love: Jenn and Matt

When Matt told me he was getting engaged I wasn't surprised at all but I didn't know it was happening so soon. I recall it was just like the start to any other weekend and I casually texted him to go out for some drinks. He is a swim coach/lifeguard so he would usually always have to be up early so he often couldn't come out and I would usually grill him a bit on not coming out. 

This time he gave me an excuse that I couldn't grill him on. He told me he couldn't come out tonight cause he was about to get engaged! Alright, alright that is a good reason why you can't come out! ;)

"Sorry won't make it.
Getting engaged tonight."

Of course I still went out for drinks, because now there was a reason to celebrate and no better time to raise a glass in honour of the perfect couple.



One of my best friends' is getting married so of course I offered to take some photos of them. We rushed out to catch the sunset and it was worth the rush! 

You know how great a couple is together by how much fun they have together. Jenn and Matt were super comfortable and were having tons of fun.

You know how great a couple is together by how much fun they have together. Jenn and Matt were super comfortable and were having tons of fun.

I remember this day so vividly in my head. It was actually a super hectic day.

We planned to shoot this around 7pm to catch the sunset. I got home as quick as i could after work from downtown and of course I forgot my keys and had to wait for my brother to get home to let me in. That set us back a bit but not only that, I also just got challenged by my friend Kelvin to do the ALS ice bucket challenge the night before so I squeezed that in before we went for the photo shoot.

With my hair still wet I grabbed my camera and we made these photos just in the knick of time.

Hope you enjoyed it!

Some name sketches.

Some name sketches.